UNHCR together with the Karenni Refugee Committee, the Ministry of Interior and the NGO community celebrated the 2018 World Refugee Day (WRD) through several events in town and in the camps, reaching approx. 2.500 persons among the refugees and host community. Focusing on this year’s theme, the ‘global solidarity’ for refugees, UNHCR joined by COERR, JRS and ACTED carried out 3 school outreach sessions for middle/high-school students from theTedsaban school (June 7), Hongsonsuksa school (June 19) and Rajabhat university (June 21) to promote awareness, involvement, positive behavior and solidarity towards refugees among the host community. The sessions focused on UNHCR’s mandate, NGOs’ activities, and the definitions of refugee and migrant. The sessions reached around 570 students in all and were well-received by the students and teachers, who showed great interest in the topic. The headmasters expressed interest for further collaboration with UNHCR and NGOs working with refugees.

Thai students mattayom 1-6 from the Tedsaban school in MHS, June 7
On June 26, the NGOs, with UNHCR taking the lead and MHS Chamber of Commerce supporting, organized a World Refugee Day event in town at the MHS Community Hall, targeting students and local Thai authorities. The activities included exhibition/information booths by each NGOs and by the Karenni Women Organization (KnWO), selling of handicraft products and organic vegetables, a rally game, fabric painting, photo gallery, candle exhibition, and traditional performances by refugee of BMN and BMS. 250 participants attended: 50 refugees from both camps, 90 students and teachers from Tedsaban School, Sauksasongkraeu School and Rajabhat University, 40 from the Thai authorities and MHS private sectors, 60 from NGOs. The local media (public/private) attended too.

The refugee performing group from BMN, June 26

Participants joining the candle exhibition at the end of WRD event in town, June 26
Representatives from UNHCR, KnRC, RTG and the private sector, June 26
UNHCR, NGOs and local Thai Authorities celebrated the WRD in BMN and BMS camps as well. In Ban Mai Nai Soi, it took place on June 20, with participation of camp residents, CBOs, Muang District office, UNHCR and NGOs. UNHCR honored in its speech the courage and strength of the refugees and the right to return to their homeland, and with the NGOs supported the activities organized by the camp committee, such as drawing, poem and essay competitions, while NGOs set up stands with the product of their activities (ie. organic products, farming, handicraft, food processing). FilmAid screened the animation movie “Ferdinand” to sensitize on the respect of diversity among the children and youth in the camp.

A Kayah traditional dance at the WRD in BMN camp, June 20

Kindergarten children performing during the celebration in BMS
The WRD celebration in BMS was carried out on June 22, organized and implemented by the camp refugee community. BMS camp committee organized cooking, essay and debate competitions. In the debate competition two teams of camp leaderships and CBOs explored the arguments pro and against voluntary repatriation and continued displacement. Camp residents from all ages and genders had the opportunity to join the World Refugee Day celebration in the camps. The celebration in camps invited all camp residents to believe in their own capabilities to empower the community. At the town level, outreach sessions and the main event at the community hall encouraged new audiences, not regularly engaged with the work with refugees, to bring closer and together refugees, local communities, Thai authorities and the humanitarian community. Overall, the celebration created a positive atmosphere among all actors.

Cooking competitions in BMS

WRD in MHS town, June 26
Youth Group celebrated World Refugee Day on June 20, 2018 by selling Ice Cream and other sweets to generate income to enable their group members to help vulnerable elderly in Mae La Camp, Tak Province

In Ban Umpiem, Tak province, World Refugee Day was organized on June 20, with many activities and many participants. Highlights were football competition by schoolchildren and song composing from each school representative.

World Refugee Day held at Ban Nupo camp, Tak Province on June 20, 2018 had 300 participants. Among activities being held, a number of children and youth were interested in showing their talent and attending drawing and painting competition and receiving awards provided by COERR.

World Refugee Day event, “We Stand with Refugees” at Ban Tham Hin camp, Ratchaburi province, was held on June 18, 2018, with 500 participants

World Refugee Day event at Ban Don Yang on June 20, 2018 “We Stand with Refugees”. There were approximately 500 participatants.
